Whether it is you or a loved one who is risk of landing on the National Sex Offenders Registry, you are likely to have many questions. Ending up on this list can tarnish your reputation, hinder your career and prevent you from living where you want to live – it is imperative that you seek a skilled sex crimes attorney. If you or someone you love have been falsely accused of a sex crime in the state of Florida, read ahead.
What is the National Sex Offenders Registry?
The National Sex Offenders Registry is a comprehensive system that has been designed in the US to help law enforcement and other government agencies to keep track of the activities (including location of residence) of those who have been convicted of certain sexually motivated crimes. This includes individuals who have completed their criminal sentences, and in most cases will be applicable for their entire lives.
While this is a Federal database, each state is responsible for setting their own requirements and rules about who ends up on the registry, and what that will mean for their lives. In most states, registered sex offenders will be held to additional restrictions on their parole that do not apply to other parolees. These can include restrictions about being in the presence of minors, access to computers and the internet, living in the proximity of a school or childcare facility and consumption of alcohol.
Who is on the National Sexual Offenders Registry?
As a general rule, individuals who have been convicted of sexually violent behaviour (including rape, sexual assault, indecent exposure, sexually motivated stalking, incest and molestation) are included on the registry.
How long do people remain on the Registry?
The Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act of 2006 (SORNA) set forth guidelines about how long individuals are required to stay listed on the registry. In Florida, this has been implemented, and individuals stay on the registry for lengths of time that are based on the type of crime committed, the severity of the crime and whether children were involved.
What information is an individual required to provide?
While each different state has different requirements about the information that must be available on the National Sex Offender Registry, there are some things that are required for all sex offenders.
• Names and any aliases used in the past
• A detailed physical description and current photograph
• A description of the registration offense and a criminal history
• Social security number
• Any internet names used and email addresses
• Employer name and address
• Telephone numbers
• Vehicle information
• Residence information
• Temporary residence information (in order to prevent offenders from recommitting crimes while travelling away from their primary residence, they must also include information about their travel plans and addresses of hotels etc)
• All travel and immigration documents
• Professional licenses
• School information
• Birth date
• Finger prints, palm prints and DNA
• Driver’s license or state identification card
If you are facing a charge that could land you on the National Sex Offenders Registry, you need expert legal representation. Contact the team at Grozinger Law today for a free consultation about your case.