Bar Defense
As a lawyer you are held to a specific set of standards and that includes how you handle cases with your clients. In the state of Florida, a bar grievance complaint might come when an attorney is accused of taking unethical action in a state courtroom. If this happens to you, you will need an experienced lawyer on your side and that is where Grozinger Law, P.A. comes into play. Patrick Grozinger has been handling all kinds of cases in the Orlando area for years and he can help you get through the complaint process. The attorney discipline system in Florida is quite simple and outlined on many websites for you to reference when an accusation comes forth. Complaints can come in various ways including the ethics hotline that the state of Florida has set up. If a client has accused you of unethical behavior, that person might have some questions so a few of them have been listed below for your reference.
How can I sue my lawyer for malpractice?
The first thing you should do is get a lawyer consultation about a malpractice claim. Using the lawyer referral service is one place you can find more information about this type of claim.
Can my lawyer settle a case without telling me?
No. A lawyer cannot go through the settlement process without you knowing about it. If you signed a release and change your mind however, the settlement could be enforced.
What if my lawyer seems to have a drug or alcohol problem?
You can contact the Florida Lawyer Assistance, Inc for more information about this type of problem.
How do I fire my lawyer?
ACAP suggests that you place a call to your lawyer and try to work things out first, but if that has not worked, you can write a letter describing your reasons for wanting to fire your lawyer.
Can my lawyer withdraw from the case?
In most cases, yes they can. If the case is already in court the lawyer must ask permission from the court to do so.
The questions listed are just a couple that a client might have before wanting to file a complaint against you as an attorney. This is not the entire list, but if you are found to be incompetent, abusing alcohol or drugs or participating in other illegal behavior, your client will have case against you. Finding experienced defense is going to be the key to helping prove the evidence on your side, or even proving the evidence against you is false. On the lawyer side of things there are a couple questions you might have like:
Why would the Board be concerned if I am arrested for DUI?
The fact is that you are an attorney and if you have an alcohol or drug problem, you might have a reason to neglect your case. Many attorneys in Florida that have been disbarred due to alcohol problems have even gone as far as theft of clients money.
What happens if I am denied after the Formal Hearing?
If you are denied after the Formal Hearing, the only chance that you have is to appeal to the Florida Supreme Court. Winning an appeal is not likely.
There are many reasons that a client might file a complaint against you and if this happens you have the chance to defend yourself just like any other person. Contact Grozinger Law, P.A. for experienced defense against Bar Complaints and start the process to keeping your reputation in one piece.