Courtesy, Respect & Professionalism for the Accused.
Orlando’s Criminal Defense Lawyer
Being accused of a crime, regardless of its severity, will leave you feeling angry and confused. The weight of prosecution is not easy to bear, but with the BEST legal representation in Orlando, Florida like Patrick Grozinger of Grozinger Law, P.A. on your side, you can rest assured that your reputation and future prospects will be fiercely defended.
It is important to remember that an arrest does not provide evidence of a crime. A skillful criminal defense counselor can oftentimes prove your innocence in a court of law. From the moment you select Grozinger Law, P.A. as your law firm, we will do everything in our power to protect your rights and provide skilled guidance in all legal matters. A conviction of any kind will go on your record, and it can prevent a lot of your opportunities going forward, be they occupationally or socially. It’s therefore advised that you have the best representation possible so that you can have the greatest chance to avoid that stain. We’re here for your needs, and will do everything possible to protect your future.
Experienced Criminal Defense Law Firm
With a long history as a Prosecutor for the State Attorney’s Office in the Ninth Judicial Circuit in Orlando, Patrick Grozinger has developed a unique insight that has allowed him to become a highly respected member of Orlando’s legal community. After his time with the State Attorney’s Office, he went on to open his own firm here in the area and has been aggressively representing his clients since opening his doors. At the offices of Grozinger Law, P.A., our attorneys are equipped with significant amounts of experience and knowledge to deal with a multitude of criminal issues. We have built a foundation of successfully defending our clients in Central Florida charged with offenses that you can find in the following categories:
Domestic Violence
Grozinger Law, P.A., can represent those accused of domestic violence. According to Florida law, domestic violence covers a range of aggressive acts, both physical and psychological, carried out on a household member. Both male and female clients arrested for domestic violence offenses require a skilled legal eagle to dismiss or resolve all charges.
Driving Under the Influence (DUI)
Driving while intoxicated with alcohol or drugs (both prescription and illegal) is considered to be a DUI offense. Refusal to provide a sample or positive breath/blood test results do not guarantee a criminal conviction; a defense counselor will help establish and defend the true facts of your case.
First Time Offenders
First-time offenders are often the most disturbed by their arrests. The possibility of a tarnished reputation and negative personal and professional consequences can lead those accused to become unnecessarily anxious. A skilled attorney-at-law has extensive knowledge of the programs available for first-time offenders, helping facilitate reduced sentencing or penalties. When your innocence is proven in court, and charges are dismissed, Florida law permits your records to be sealed and expunged.
Traffic Offenses
Traffic violations are usually issued as a result of speeding, missing red lights, driving with reckless abandon, incorrectly using lanes or driving with an expired or revoked license. A skilled lawyer will challenge the facts relating to your case, such as speed camera evidence, and can arrange pleas bargains for reduced sentencing if required.
Drug Crimes
Crimes concerning controlled substances are taken very seriously by criminal courts, with the government pushing for more convictions and harsher sentencing. Drug crimes cover illegal narcotic substances, like cocaine and heroin, and the illegal use or dealing of prescription drugs. If you have been accused of possessing, using or dealing a restricted substance, hire an attorney with experience and a proven successful track record as soon as possible.
Marijuana Charges
Minor marijuana (also known as cannabis) possession is considered to be a misdemeanor according to Florida state law and can lead to an Adjudication of Guilt (a legal admission of culpability) and a 2-year driving ban. Possession or sale of larger quantities is classified as a felony and can lead to large fines and longer periods of imprisonment. An experienced drug defense counsel can help you avoid an adjudication and, in some cases, have charges dropped.
Juvenile Offenses
Legal violations enacted by minors (those aged under 18) are classified as juvenile offenses. These offenses are only considered to be illegal when undertaken by minors; for example, truancy and underage possession and consumption of alcohol are common juvenile offenses. Skillful representation of minor defendants is essential to ensure a clean record and positive future for those accused of juvenile offenses.
Theft Charges
Theft offenses have potentially serious consequences, including imprisonment, a permanent criminal record and restitution. A seasoned criminal attorney will protect your rights and ensure your future is safe from harsh or wrongful convictions. Theft can cover a range of charges, including embezzlement, burglary and shoplifting.
Sealing and Expungement of Records
In the state of Florida, the sealing and expungement of records is only permitted in cases where charges are dropped. An attorney can help you get your charges dropped and subsequently have the case expunged from your record, leaving you with a clean criminal record and no requirement to disclose the initial arrest.
Violations of Probation
Violating the terms of a parole or probation agreement can lead to it being revoked, often resulting in a return to imprisonment, rehabilitation, community service and/or an additional fine. Proving innocence in probation violation cases involves finding evidence that terms were adhered to or demonstrating insufficient evidence to the contrary.
White Collar Crime
Crimes labeled as ‘white collar’ fall into several categories, but mainly stem from non-violent business pursuits including but not limited to fraud, copyright infringement, insider trading, forgery, bribery and money laundering. White collar legal cases can be small, focusing on just one individual, or gigantic, when a major corporation is under prosecution. Whichever category you fall into, selecting the right legal counsel is essential when fighting the charges levied against you.
Federal Offenses
Federal offenses violate federal laws and are generally very serious in nature, covering everything from drug trafficking to terrorism offenses.
Weapons and Firearm Offenses
Grozinger Law, P.A. will work hard to defend those accused of weapons offenses in Florida to determine that facts of your case and evidence that pertains to your motives for firearm possession or usage. In some cases it is possible to provide acquittal or dismiss charges before a case goes to trial, or plead for a lesser sentence.
Assault/Battery & Violent Crimes
Violent crimes cover a huge section of the law, from homicide to child abuse. Serious rights and implications face the accused, and a rigorous lawyer will be required to provide professional counsel during all aspects of the legal process, including the time leading up to the trial.
Sex Crimes
Being accused of a sex crime carries a great stigma and can quickly destroy your reputation. An experienced and thorough lawyer can help defend those facing sexual offense charges and, where applicable, prove innocence in cases of false accusal.
Bar Defense
Florida Bar grievance complaints arise when a practicing attorney is accused of taking unethical action in a state court. The Florida Bar Attorney Regulation Division received around 10,000 complaints every single year, so these cases are by no means uncommon and can beset even the most rigorous legal professionals. Self-representation is not recommended and more cases are won by hiring an experienced Florida lawyer to defend your position from an objective standpoint.
Out of State Defendants/Tourist Arrests
Being arrested for any crime while visiting a different state can be very unsettling. Luckily, experience of Grozinger Law, P.A. can provide legal counsel to visitors and tourists from any state or country outside the US.
Aggressive Counsel, When You Have Everything to Lose
Regardless of which crime you’re being accused of, it’s important to know that they are all very serious even if the fines associated do not seem to be. Jail time may not be in your future, but the fines that you can face could do irreparable harm to your livelihood, and will likely set you back a significant amount. If you are potentially going to jail, you run the risk of putting your life on hold; all traditional milestones are pushed back, and if you’re looking to have certain things accomplished by a certain point, it’s unlikely you’ll be able to accomplish those.
Not only is your immediate future at stake, but if you are found guilty at any level you will potentially lose a lot of your opportunities going forward. All crimes are placed on your permanent record upon conviction; this same record is viewed by any potential employer and others. Without going through the process of sealing and expungement, your entire future will be marred by your crime. Ultimately, any conviction carries very severe punishments, and can do immense harm to your life. It’s therefore important that you seek out the best representation for you.
Contact Patrick Grozinger Today!
After your initial arrest you will want to find the attorney that will be represent you in a court of law. You don’t have all the time in the world, as there is traditionally a window of opportunity, and the prosecution will begin building their case as soon as they can. It’s therefore important that you have an experienced jurisprudent like Patrick Grozinger on your side as soon as possible. Not only is he highly capable of defending you in the courts, but he puts your needs and wants first and foremost. From the moment you contact our offices, we’re in the process of building your case. When you consult with us you’re essentially placing your trust in our hands, and we will not misuse that trust. Contact our office as soon as you’re able to so that we can get the ball rolling on your case and get ahead of your prosecutors. Grozinger Law, P.A. is located at 1217 East Robinson Street Suite B Orlando, FL 32801.
Even before your trial begins, Grozinger Law, P.A. will defend your rights and ensure that the legal formalities are carried out justly and with the minimum amount of inconvenience to your life. Act quickly and secure an experienced trial attorney as soon as possible; having the right defense team behind you places you in the best possible position to fight and protect your reputation and your future.
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